
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Poolside Laundry

It's been almost a month and I am still not settled into my new place...well, at least completely.  My delay was because I injured my knee the week after moving.  Don't ask me how, because I don't know!  I know that sounds ridiculous, right?  Ha ha!  I just woke up on Labor Day and it was swollen and I could not walk on it without excruciating pain.  Quite possibly it was my dancing the night know I had some killer moves, ha ha (literally)!  I had to go to the ER and I was in a brace for almost 2 weeks.  Luckily I'm getting around now with only minor aches.  The other reason I haven't settled into my place is because I've been working hard and the only one in my department now.  Sadly, but truthful enough, I almost work around the clock, at the office and at home, leaving me no time for myself.  And you better believe it when I get that time, I relax and lay around as much as possible instead of "working" around the house putting up things.  It's so unlike me to be.....let's say it gently....lazy, and I'm disappointed that I have been.  But I know when my mind and body needs to rest to be rejuvenated for the following day.

But I did find time this evening to bring my laptop poolside at my humbly abode and do some laundry while I'm at it.  So, I am trying to get some things done, but at a slower pace than normal.  I keep saying I'm going to get use to this work "schedule" and start time managing better as I often learn to do, but it's been a few months now and I still don't have it down.  Perhaps it's the dogma of it all, and the restless nights and skipped lunches.  Sounds hardly an environment to work at just knowing that alone, huh?  But, I put my best foot forward because I am an optimist and I know how I perform.  The thing is if they confide in me to do my work, they should not question every little thing (and sometimes, I will tell you, it's childish things they bring about too).

After my laundry is done in about 25 minutes, I'm going to first pull them out of the dryer and smell the freshness (awe) and make me some oriental noodles with fresh market vegetables...mmm...mmm!  But cooking isn't the same when I can't cook for someone else and see them smile because I took the time out to do it for them.

A new weekend approaches, and perhaps, I can finally ride the bike trails over in Savannah State Park.<br><br><br>

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